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Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots How to Friend the Armies UPDATED

Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots How to Friend the Armies

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a game created for the PlayStation iii in 2008 that takes place v years after the Big Shell incident.

An in-engine cutscene of the game was shown by Hideo Kojima and his colleagues at Tokyo Game Bear witness 2005, featuring an elderly Solid Ophidian and a small robotic companion linked via remote command, operated past Otacon. Later, to prove that the demo was running in real-fourth dimension on the PlayStation 3 development kit, the demo was rerun and manipulated by the team on a Dual Daze controller, calculation and changing the furnishings and elaborating on the visual techniques used.

Trophies were non bachelor upon the games original release, just information technology was afterward included in the ii.0 patch, along with the ability to install the content of every deed to the PlayStation 3'south internal difficult drive.


  • 1 Plot
    • 1.one Liquid Sun
    • 1.2 Gekko
    • 1.3 The B&B Corps
    • 1.four Solid Sunday
      • one.four.one Battle At Highland
      • one.4.2 Vista Mansion
    • one.v 3rd Sunday
      • 1.5.1 Midnight Shadow
    • 1.six Twin Suns
    • 1.7 One More Reboot
    • 1.8 One-time Sun
      • 1.8.ane Everything Ends
    • 1.ix No Place To Hide
    • 1.10 Full Circle
      • one.10.1 Naked Sin
      • i.10.2 Father & Son
  • 2 Gameplay
  • iii Reviews
    • 3.1 Criticism
  • 4 Related Games
  • 5 Unofficial Websites

Plot [ ]

The plot of this game revolves around a chop-chop aging Snake, now codenamed "Old Ophidian", to take down Ocelot who is now fully controlled by Liquid, Snake's twin brother.

The story takes place in 2014, in a world fuelled past "the state of war economy". Liquid Ocelot now owns the five largest Individual Military Companies (PMCs), equalling in power to the US Army and controlled by the female parent visitor "Outer Haven" with Liquid at the helm. Serpent is sent past Roy Campbell to assassinate Liquid. The game is split into seven parts. Five playable acts and two epilogue sequences.

  • Act one Liquid Sun
  • Act 2 Solid Sun
  • Deed 3 3rd Sun
  • Act 4 Twin Suns
  • Deed 5 Former Dominicus
  • Debriefing Naked Sin
  • Debriefing Naked Son

Liquid Sun [ ]

Afterwards the Manhattan Incident, the world was slipping towards a state of full war, with restrictions on military intervention in strange countries easing, fuelling the need for mercenaries. With the invention of OILIX in the 20th century by Dr. Kio Marv, the earth'southward economy gradually changed from oil reliance to an eventual war reliance. Most globe conflicts now rested heavily on the use of PMCs. The five largest of these PMCs were run by a single mother company, known equally Outer Sky with Liquid Ocelot at its helm. In total, these five PMCs were plenty to rival the unabridged Us Armed services. Liquid was planning his insurrection, and while the United nations did not want to get involved, worrying that it could collapse the world's new "war economy", Roy Campbell had taken it upon himself to ensure the globe is non plunged into total, never-ending war.

Solid Ophidian, now suffering from inexplicable advanced ageing, had taken to living his life in solitude. During a visit to the grave of Big Dominate, he was approached by Otacon, who informed him that his former friend Roy Campbell was waiting for him. Campbell, at present working in the UN's security council, had establish Liquid lurking somewhere in the Middle East and Serpent, hesitant at first, agreed to a simple mission: to assassinate Liquid.

Former Ophidian as he appears in-game.

Gekko [ ]

3 days later, Serpent made it to the heart of the Middle Eastern war zone, in the back of a truck bearded as a member of the local militia. Of a sudden, however, the boxing ceased, and Gekko descended from nowhere, triggering an all-out slaughter of the militias. Serpent managed to escape detection and proceeded farther into the camp.

Further in, Snake met upwardly with the Metal Gear Mk. Two inside a ruined building, which handed him a new device: the Solid Middle. Ophidian besides got a Modified Mk.two handgun that fired tranquilizer rounds and a Springfield "Operator" Handgun. Outside, battle ensued, but Ophidian made it through to the Militia's safe house past assisting them with the battle. Inside the firm, he met gun launderer Drebin, who offered his services to Snake at a price, which they decided could be provided through the Mk. II. Drebin provided him with a M4 Custom, gratuitous of charge. At beginning, the gun's trigger locked on him, but Drebin injected him with more up-to-date nanomachines (at least that was all he said it was), and Ophidian was able to burn down.

Fighting his way through the war torn Middle East, Snake eventually made it to the Advent Palace where his informants planned to rendezvous with him. He was surprised to discover Meryl Silverburgh waiting for him, with her new unit, Rat Patrol Squad 01. With Liquid in a campsite up ahead, Meryl explained the SOP (Sons of the Patriots) system to Snake. When questioned, Snake claimed that he was there only to appraise threat of PMC activities on the United Nation's refugee programs.

Subsequently being ambushed by a squad of FROGS, which resulted in a fierce gunfight from the top of the mansion all the style to the basement, the Rat Patrol and Snake parted ways for the time being.

The B&B Corps [ ]

Snake headed north towards the enemy encampment where Liquid had been staying, but after getting involved in another heated boxing, he witnessed an entire militia unit get wiped out thanks to the Beauty and The Beast Unit of measurement. Shortly afterwards, the whole unit chop-chop dispersed, leaving Snake to observe in awe the destructive aftermath around him.

Gameplay Screenshot.

Moving forward into the PMC Camp, he made his fashion closer to Liquid before spotting Meryl and her Rat Patrol nearby. She chosen him on his codec, and although angry that he was indeed there to kill Liquid and not threat assessment, she had to begrudgingly let him continue as she felt she was in no position to stop him.

Nevertheless, before Ophidian could act, Liquid quietly commands into his radio, "Activate it". Suddenly, all of the soldiers in the area, the Rat Patrol team included (with the exception of Johnny) vicious to the ground, foaming at the mouth and violently convulsing. Snake was also affected, merely not to the caste of the other soldiers. Later on a moment, Naomi Hunter appeared in front of Snake, injecting him with a syringe before disappearing. Snake was then carried to condom past Johnny, the only remaining soldier on the battlefield.

Solid Sun [ ]

Battle At Highland [ ]

Solid Snake, having been unconscious for the whole day, awoke back aboard the Nomad. Otacon told him that, whilst they had no idea what happened in the Middle Due east, he had received a video message from Naomi, who Snake claimed was in that location. The message was a plea to be rescued and included an encrypted map of Liquid'south S American base. A message from Colonel Campbell confirmed information technology: Liquid had prepare base of operations in South America. Sunny was able to trace where the bulletin came from, and they began the journey to S America.

Snake also discussed Liquid and the Patriots with Campbell. They concluded that, as SOP fitted nicely with their plans, they were most likely backside it, and Liquid's insurrection was most probable confronting the Patriots.

Having made information technology to Liquid'due south Due south American base of operations, Serpent all of a sudden witnessed chaos erupt in the clearing below. Afterward seeing members of the rebel forces being slaughtered by B&B member Laughing Octopus, Vamp, to Snake and Otacon's shock, emerged from the edifice, looking for Ophidian. Following the massacre and failed search, the two left and Ophidian avant-garde.

After Snake made it into the center of the battlefield, he received a call from Campbell. He introduced Snake to a fellow member of the Combat Stress Platoon, whom he recognises as Rosemary, Raiden's ex who was in charge of his mission information during the Manhattan Incident. He quickly deduced that Campbell and Rose were a couple, something Campbell did not deny, and explained why Meryl showed such hostility towards her male parent.

However, upon advancing further, Snake received another codec call, this time from Raiden himself, claiming he is very close by. He also explained that he had recently been sent on a mission for Big Mama to recall the body of Big Boss. Snake then found Drebin nevertheless again, who explained to him nearly the Beauty and the Beast unit of measurement, and revealed to Snake that the Patriots are actually simply a arrangement of AIs.

Vista Mansion [ ]

Another gameplay screenshot

Ophidian found Naomi in a secluded building via a undercover passage. However, before they were to get out, Naomi insisted she give Snake a full medical examination. Following the tests, she was able to explain Snake'southward accelerated ageing and revealed the harsh truth: his ageing was incurable; it was but the way he was designed as a clone. She besides found that at that place was an unexpected problem with the FOXDIE virus that she had injected into Snake almost a decade ago. Since there were no more targets to set on, it had just been circulating within him since. However, the receptors on the cells were becoming damaged, and it was merely a thing of months before FOXDIE get a threat to any human being, and Serpent became a walking biological weapon.

In addition, Naomi explained to Ophidian what actually happened in the Centre East. With Liquid attempting to disable the SOP organisation inside the soldiers, the sudden freedom proved too much for the soldiers to handle, and they were driven mad. She explained that Liquid was trying to control the system and overthrow the Patriots, just that he would need Big Boss' DNA in order to do that.

Suddenly, the pair were ambushed past a grouping of FROGS, who quickly took Naomi abroad. Before he could follow them, Snake had to get through Laughing Octopus, who too put in an appearance, just managed to defeat her. With the help of some scouting tips from Raiden, Serpent tracked Naomi to a helipad where she was being loaded onto a helicopter under Vamp'southward supervision. Simply equally she appeared lost, who should testify up merely Drebin, who managed to rescue her and Serpent in his tank. With Drebin at the cycle and Serpent manning the gun turret on acme, the group proceeded to escape.

They made information technology to a small village where civilians were running for encompass. Unable to proceed, they were ambushed by several Gekkos. However, Raiden, at present a cyborg ninja, appeared and destroyed every last Gekko, before fighting Vamp. Serpent and Naomi escaped with the Mk. II onto Otacon's helicopter, picking up a heavily injured Raiden as they escaped.

Third Sun [ ]

Midnight Shadow [ ]

Dorsum in the Nomad, Raiden'due south condition was becoming steadily worse, him badly needing an infusion of artificial White Blood, according to Naomi. Even so, he was able to deliver an educational activity to Snake before passing out entirely: "Notice Big Mama".

Snake headed to an undisclosed town in Eastern Europe where Big Mama, a name Ophidian recognized as the leader of the Paradise Lost resistance army, was supposedly hiding. Knowing he would be shot on sight if out in public, Ophidian used the Facecamo he caused from Laughing Octopus to make himself appear younger, too equally civilian clothes. However, upon refusing to pass through an ID indicate, which would have exposed his cover, he is saved past an intervening Meryl, in that location with Rat Patrol. Subsequently conversing about Ophidian'southward motive, the two departed on a solemn annotation.

Ophidian and Otacon decided that the easiest way to observe the resistance member's hideout would be to simply follow a member of the resistance. Afterwards trailing a resistance member to an old church, he easily forced his manner in and finally met Big Mama, who, as it turned out, was actually EVA. Big Mama was able to explain everything she knew about Large Boss and the Patriots. She explained how the Patriots had originally consisted of her, Major Zero, Sigint (who was besides Donald Anderson), Para-Medic (who was also Dr. Clark, the scientist behind Greyness Fox's transformation and the Les Enfants Terribles project), Large Boss and Ocelot, and how Zero and Ocelot had started the Patriots using the Philosophers' Legacy with Big Boss as a god-like idol, with the intention of realizing the dream of a unified world, every bit envisioned past The Boss.

Large Mama and then revealed to Snake the shocking truth that Big Boss was however alive, his corpse kept alive through technology, his conscience "locked away" past nanomachines. The body, in fact, was in her possession after existence recovered by Raiden, and was kept in the back of a van.

Suddenly, when the unexpected appearance of Dwarf Gekkos compromised their security, Big Mama, Snake and the "children" were forced to move (taking with them the van containing Big Boss' trunk), a daring motorcycle chase ensuing. With Big Mama driving, Snake managed to nail their fashion through the dozens of Gekkos and FROGS which blocked their style, but was stopped by Beauty and the Beast unit fellow member Raging Raven. Later on defeating Raven, Snake helped Big Mama, who was badly injured in the motorbike crash, to a nearby river where, co-ordinate to her, Big Boss' body was being transported via boat. Violent Ceasefire

One time there, however, Liquid Ocelot blocked their path. After besting Snake at CQC, he escaped on his boat, accompanied by Vamp and an manifestly re-defected Naomi. Snake and Big Mama were, even so, also rescued by Rat Patrol, who had with them their own defensive regular army.

Liquid, notwithstanding, retrieved Big Boss' corpse from the gunkhole and, using his DNA, was able to finally tap into the SOP arrangement, and Rat Patrol (along with their entire army) found they were unable to even burn a weapon. Liquid's FROGS were obviously not affected as such, and a massacre speedily ensued, resulting in the deaths of every last soldier there, save for Snake and Rat Patrol. Large Mama survived at first, though however badly injured, just was apparently burnt to death subsequently leaping onto a fire to retrieve Big Boss' body, where Vamp had carelessly discarded

Post-obit the horrifying massacre, Johnny was able to salve Meryl from drowning, and two embraced in a passionate kiss. Snake, however, was manifestly unable to do the aforementioned for Big Mama, left with bad burns from trying. Otacon, merely an observer, managed to stow the Mk. II away on Liquid's boat with Naomi.

Twin Suns [ ]

Through the Mk. II, Snake and Otacon were able to hear everything said on Liquid'south gunkhole. Although the Mk. Two was discovered and destroyed past Vamp, they were able to hear enough to effigy out Liquid's true programme: to accept down The Patriots himself by destroying the main satellite of JD, the head AI. Of class, to do that, he needed a weapon that was powerful enough to fire a missile into space, but was non governed by SOP. The reply was simple: the track gun from Metallic Gear REX.

Deducing that Liquid was planning to revisit Shadow Moses Island, Ophidian followed him to Alaska, and to the one place he never thought he would return, re-navigating the route he took almost a decade earlier to reach Metal Gear King'southward Cloak-and-dagger Base of operations.

Later on a series of haunting flashbacks, Snake emerged into the Snowfield where he fought and killed Sniper Wolf, encountering, to his stupor, her doppelganger, B&B member Crying Wolf. Afterward engaging in a lengthy sniper duel, Snake defeated her and connected to the Underground Base. Once there, Otacon used the new Metal Gear Mk. III to reactivate the elevator, taking them up to where REX was still laying unmoved, exactly where Snake had left information technology. Unfortunately, also waiting for him were Vamp and Naomi. Serpent fought Vamp, and equally he was already well aware of Vamps regenerative capabilities, managed to subdue him with a CQC administered nanomachine-suppressor injection. Vamp was at present mortal, but still just as deadly. Suddenly, Raiden, fully recovered later a White Blood infusion, appeared to fight Vamp while Snake fended off the Suicide Gekko swarming the base. Serpent destroyed all the Gekko, and afterward receiving many wounds, Raiden managed to pull off a devastating swipe to Vamp very much in the way he had killed Solidus. Vamp, now having mortal wounds for the commencement time, was euthanized by Naomi by a total dose of nano-suppressant.

Vamp defeated, Naomi apologized to Serpent and Otacon, before revealing that she had cancer, and injected herself with the syringe, effectively committing suicide. They mourned for their loss, accepting that they would never know where Naomi's true allegiance lied.

One More than Reboot [ ]

With more Suicide Gekkos on their way, Otacon used the Mk. 3 to reactivate King, which now possesses an upgraded operating organisation, making it faster and more active than before.

With Raiden hanging on, Ophidian used REX to escape from the base of operations, only, outside, is ambushed by Metallic Gear RAY, beingness piloted past Liquid. Using an array of weapons built-in to REX, and fully appreciating for the outset time what a magnificent weapon it was, Snake destroyed RAY.

Liquid, notwithstanding, escaped, emerging from the ocean moments later on at the helm of his ain Arsenal Gear, Outer Haven. Haven, with Rex's rail gun at present connected to it, rammed itself into the port, virtually killing a weak Snake. Luckily, Raiden managed to stop it moving, and was seemingly crushed in the process.

Former Lord's day [ ]

Everything Ends [ ]

With Liquid in possession of Metal Gear King's track gun and capable of destroying The Patriots' master AI JD, Mei Ling, aboard the U.Southward.S. Missouri, hatched a program to infiltrate Outer Oasis, which Solid Snake referred to every bit "Liquid'due south Own Personal Death Star". Snake happily volunteered for the mission (making no secret of his blatant disregard for his own life), along with Meryl and Johnny.

When the three were preparing to be catapulted onto Haven, Snake ran into catapult provider Drebin, who explained to him the collapse of the war economy that came with Liquid'due south takeover of the SOP arrangement. The three were so catapulted, only due to a miscalculation, the catapults were all desperately off course. Meryl landed on a completely different part of the send than planned, and Johnny landed in the ocean and had to swim the rest of the way. Snake was the only one who fabricated it to roughly the right area, and had to continue the infiltration lonely.

After avoiding the about dense forcefulness of Gekkos and FROGS Snake had nonetheless encountered, he fabricated it to the elevator on the far side of the transport, which he was able to utilise to descend into the heart of Haven. Once the elevator opened, he came confront to face with a wave of FROGS, which he chop-chop (but not easily) dispatched. Then, however, terminal B&B fellow member Screaming Mantis made an appearance, but Ophidian was able to overcome her credible psychic abilities past suppressing his nanomachines with the syringe, and so stealing Mantis' listen-control puppet which hung from her arm. Following her defeat, withal, the ghost of Psycho Mantis appeared in her place and, later on making several psychic predictions, revealed himself to be the one controlling all of the B&B members, through the body of Screaming Mantis. Although he prepared to attack, another spirit, that of The Sorrow appeared, and banished Mantis forever.

No Place To Hide [ ]

The Beauty and the Beast unit was defeated, but Snake'south mission was far from over. Continuing through towards the cardinal control room, Meryl and Johnny appeared just in time to salve Snake from another wave of FROGS. Meryl and Johnny fended off the seemingly endless supply of soldiers, but things began to look grim when they began to run low on ammunition. In the height of boxing, Johnny proposed to Meryl, challenge he had always loved her, and she accepted afterwards some convincing.

Ophidian was then farther outnumbered by a knife-only unit of measurement which ambushed him directly outside of the server room. A even so armless Raiden and then appeared to protect him, and allowed Ophidian to pass safely. Unfortunately, the boxing was nevertheless heavily 1-sided, and Raiden, although doing well as get-go, was quickly swarmed and outnumbered.

Ophidian then faced his next enemy: a drove of microwaves potent plenty to cook a human being alive. With no other pick, he began to run, then walk, then crawl through, every 2nd growing weaker from the waves, his OctoCamo being stripped from his skin and his Solid Heart exploding from the heat. Nonetheless, against all odds, he made it to the server room, and the Mk. Ii was able to upload the virus, but equally Snake, at present too weak to fight, was swarmed by an army of Dwarf Gekko.

Total Circumvolve [ ]

With the upload of the virus, however, the battle speedily turned. The FROGS ambushing Raiden, Meryl and Johnny went into hysterics when their nanomachines shut down, the Dwarf Gekko surrounding Snake simply switched off, and even the unmanned Metal Gear RAY units attacking the U.South.S. Missouri went limp and slid into the ocean.

However, the virus did more than than that. At that moment, a video of Naomi hidden in the virus appeared on the server room computer screens. She explained that she had to pretend that she was kidnapped (and engineer her rescue from South America by Ophidian) and then that she could give the virus she had developed to Sunny to end. Sunny had not merely finished the virus, just modified it to spread to the other AIs that made upwardly the Patriots, eliminating them entirely.

The Patriots were no more, but Liquid made a last advent. Dragging Snake to the elevation of Outer Haven, he challenged him to a hand-to-hand duel. During the fight, withal, Ocelot's erstwhile memories began to show through. Upon being defeated by Ophidian, Ocelot explained that he was in fact not Liquid at all, just just pretending to be him in order to fool the Patriots. With the Patriots destroyed, he could give upwards the act, and became Ocelot once again, exclaiming "Y'all're pretty good", before finally expiring due to the new FOXDIE virus within Snake.

Otacon explained during the aftermath how Sunny had re-worked the virus Naomi gave her to "destroy the brain, but [leave] the brain stalk intact." Whereas simply eliminating the Patriots would have plunged the earth into a anarchy, Sunny made information technology and then that everything that they had regulated (everything vital to gild) would remain as-is, and the earth could truly alive gratis for the first time in many years.

Naked Sin [ ]

After destroying the Patriots' AI constructs, Meryl Silverburgh and Johnny Sasaki had their wedding at an undisclosed location. Roy Campbell finally returned to bury the hatchet with his girl, and requite her abroad to her new husband. Also attending were Otacon, Sunny, Jonathan, and Ed, who acted as the principal of ceremonies and officially wed the couple. However, before the wedding could be completed, 1 final guest, Drebin, made an appearance providing the happy couple with a shower of flowers.

Drebin, drunkard due to the nanomachines not metabolizing the alcohol for him any more, filled in the gaps for Otacon. He revealed that all of the Drebins were, in actuality, Patriot agents, which is why they were able to hack SOP so hands, and he was under orders from the Patriots to help Snake and Rat Pt. 01 in their mission to exterminate Liquid. In fact, Rat Pt. 01 existence an anagram for "PatR10t" (Patriot), finally left no doubtfulness equally to the team's truthful benefactors.

Sunny, meanwhile, had fabricated her first exterior friend, and asked Otacon if she could requite him the Mk. Three. Otacon obliged, and also told her that she could leave the Nomad if she wanted to. Sunny, all the same, just had i thing on her mind: Ophidian. Request where Snake was, Otacon choked back tears, only able to explicate to her that Serpent was "sick" and needed some time to go improve.

Meanwhile, at a hospital, Raiden was recovering from his operation, which had replaced his cyborg implants with ones more than closely resembling a human torso. Equally he rested, Rosemary entered with a mysterious immature boy, simply Raiden, at outset, refused to speak to her. In tears, Rosemary revealed that both the marriage and her miscarriage were lies to protect them and Raiden from the Patriots, a cover for which Campbell had to cede his own family. She also revealed that the boy she was with was Raiden'south son, Little John. After one look at the male child, all the hostility and doubt in Raiden's mind was extinguished, and all three of them embraced, Rosemary promising to never let him go again.

Father & Son [ ]

Meanwhile, Solid Snake was, in authenticity, visiting the grave of Big Boss in one case over again. Collapsing in front of the grave, he vowed that the last thing for him to do - his final mission - was to take his own life, thereby erasing his genes and memes from the Earth, and removing the threat of the mutated FOXDIE strain. Finishing his last cigarette, he put his gun in his mouth and fired.

Nevertheless, he could not do it, and had fired up into the air at the last moment. In that moment, like a guardian angel, appeared Large Boss, live and unscathed. He explained that his body had been reassembled (using pieces of Liquid and Solidus) by EVA and Raiden rather than but kept alive on a auto, and that the body in EVA's van that was burnt to ashes by Ocelot in Eastern Europe was in fact the body of Solidus. Ocelot was able to use the genetic code from this torso to access the SOP arrangement, because Solidus, dissimilar Liquid or Solid, was a perfect clone of Big Boss.

Large Boss and so explained to Snake how Ocelot, in gild to fool the system, used a mixture of nanomachines and psychotherapy to plough him into Liquid's mental doppelganger, as well as fully explaining the history of the Patriots from his signal of view. Once the virus opened the gateway from GW to the Patriots, Large Dominate was able to finally make up one's mind to location of Zero. He then showed Serpent an aboriginal, wheelchair-bound Naught on a life support car, and claimed that the Patriots would not be completely destroyed until he "takes everything back to zippo". With that, Large Boss pulled the plug from Nil's air supply, euthanizing him.

With Major Zero dead, Big Dominate was the terminal Patriot. When Snake asked if he would kill himself, Big Boss replied that he did not need to. The FOXDIE virus injected into Snake by Drebin that killed Ocelot was too set to kill Large Boss. Big Boss explains that this FOXDIE virus would supersede the original, mutated strain in Snake'due south organization, and therefore there was no threat of him becoming a biological weapon. Before dying, Ophidian's father embraced his son in a fatherly hug, making Snake promise to cast off his function as a serpent, and to spend his few remaining days as a man. Cigar in his rima oris, hand raised in the salute he gave fifty years earlier, Large Boss passed away on the grave of The Dominate, the adult female that taught him everything.

Sometime later, Otacon caught up with Snake and asked him where he was going. Snake, who had decided to quit smoking, responded that "at that place'south one affair [he] still needs to do", that was to "encounter this historic period off [and] see what the hereafter brings."

Otacon insisted that he and Sunny accompany him to document the final days of his hero and friend and, after some persuasion, Snake agreed. Sunny, however, was not there to hear this; she was however cooking eggs in the Nomad, finally getting information technology right. Proudly, she exclaimed:

" They look yummy. Sorta similar the dominicus. Information technology's Rising once more!
~ Sunny

Gameplay [ ]

Raiden equally he appears in MGS4.

Reviews [ ]

Criticism [ ]

  • Cipher Punctuation

[ ]

  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Metal Gear Solid ii: Sons of Liberty
    • Metal Gear Solid ii: Substance
  • Metal Gear Solid three: Ophidian Eater
    • Metallic Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
  • Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Unofficial Websites [ ]

  • Metal Gear Solid 4 Folio at Gamepro
  • MGS4 at IGN


Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots How to Friend the Armies UPDATED

Posted by: owenganig1963.blogspot.com

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